
Rome , 8 de desembre de 1969
Musicologist. He studied at theology at Tarragona's seminary and was ordained in 1912. He studied music composition under Josep Barberà and musicology under F. Pedrell. Between 1923 and 1924 he studied in with W. Gurtlitt (Freiburg) and with F. Ludwig and H. Finke (Göttingen). Between 1917 and 1957 he was Head of Music of the Biblioteca de Catalunya. From 1941, he was a member of the Institut d'Estudis Catalans and from 1943, he was director of Instituto Español de Musicología del CSIC. In addition, from 1947 he was president of the Pontificio Istituto di Musica Sacra. He was a main figure of Catalan musicology, not only for devoting himself to the collection of folksongs of the oral tradition (collaborating in this way to Obra del Cançoner Popular de Catalunya), but for his publication of music by Joan Brudieu, Joan Pujol, Mateu Fletxa "the elder", Tomás Luis de Victoria, Cristóbal Morales and Antoni Soler, as well as those of Cantigas de Santa María, La música a Catalunya fins el segle XIII (1935), and the Music Catalogue of the National Library of Madrid (1946-1951).