
Xavier Berenguel Godó
Barcelona , 1931
Barcelona , 2017
Barcelona , 2017
He started his music education in Santiago de Chile, where his family had exiled. In 1954, he settled in Barcelona and studied with Cristòfor Taltabull. The premier of of Cantata d'Amic e Amat at the SIMC Festival in Cologne in 1960 was the driving force behind a career that was recognized in 1977 with the Luigi Dallapiccola Award. He was Influenced by figures such as B. Bartók, I. Stravinsky and A. Schönberg, and later by the Polish school. He enjoyed a remarkable public projection in the premieres of the oratorio Llibre Vermell (1987) and the Rèquiem a la memòria de Salvador Espriu (1989).
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