
Josep Climent Barber
Oliva (València) , 28 d'agost de 1927
Oliva (València) , 15 de febrer de 2017
Oliva (València) , 15 de febrer de 2017
Composer, Performer i Musicologist
Organist, musicologist and composer
He studied theology and philosophy alongside music, obtaining a degree in organ, piano and Gregorian chant. He was interested in musicology and became a key figure in the cataloguing of the musical collections of the Valencian Community and a specialist in the study of 17th-century composers.
He was organist and canon of the Cathedral of Valencia and directed its archives and library. In 1979, he participated in the creation of the Escola Municipal de Música of Valencia (Conservatori Municipal de Música José Iturbi) and was its director and professor.
He was member and patron of various organisations. He composed some music, including Te Deum (1994).
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