
Barcelona , 17 de març de 1877
Pianist and composer
He studied in Bellpuig and Balaguer under Baixel and Francesc Coma and later on he studied counterpoint and piano under Andreví and J. M. Sirvent in Barcelona. In addition to music, he had a background in humanities and theology. Between 1864 and 1866 he moved to Paris, where he met Rossini, Fétis, Carafa, Marmontel and Ketterer. After returning to Barcelona, he founded the journal La España musical with the publisher Andreu Vidal Llimona. He published essays and reviews and got into a debate about the keyboard intonation with Joan Baptista Pujol. In addition to pianist and theoretician, he was also teacher and had Enric Ferrer Rodrigo as student.
Among his output, he is renowned for piano pieces such as Tres Elegías, which was awarded the price of the Certamen de València (1875) and for his commissioned antiphone for the 25th anniversary of the coronation of Pius IX (1871). On the day of his death he was appointed academic of the Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando.