
Barcelona , 13 d'octubre de 1947
He was trained in the cobla scene with Josep Vicens, 'Avi Xaxo', and studied clarinet at the Municipal School of Barcelona. He was tenora of La Principal de la Bisbal (1900-1922) and the Banda Municipal of Barcelona (1922) with Lamote de Grignon. Once in Barcelona, he founded Cobla Barcelona (1922-1929) and in 1929 the Cobla Albert Martí. Up until the Spianish Civil War he played the tenora in cobla ensembles and the clarinet in the Band Municipal in addition the the sporadic performance in the Barcelona Symphony Orchestra and the Pau Casals Orchestra. He was considered one of the greatest performers of tenora, having Pau Casals calling him "the king of the tenora". He composed some sardanes such as Lina, and some ballables. Several composers dedicated sardanes to him.