
Barcelona , 30 de juny de 1987
Composer and pianist. He studied at the Conservatori del Liceu with Pere Serra and debuted as a pianist in 1908 at the Orfeó Barcelonès. Encouraged by Granados, he settled in Paris between 1911 and 1914, where he studied piano with Motte-Lacroix and harmony with Samuel-Rousseau. In that period, he began the composition with Impressions íntimes and in 1916 Escenes d'infants and Pessebres. He established a great friendship with Manuel Blancafort. In 1921, again in Paris, he won international renown thanks to the performance of his music at Salle Érard by his piano teacher. In 1941 he returned definitively to Barcelona and continued to compose music influenced both by impressionism and Catalan music. In 1950 he travelled to London where he made a record, offered a concert and was commissioned the ballet House of Birds. Most of his output is for piano, such as Cançons i danses, Charmes and Música Callada. He also composed songs for voice and piano (Combat del somni) or Impromperis for choir and orchestra, which are close to the aesthetics of F. Poulenc’s sacred music.