
Miquel Querol Gavaldà
Ulldecona , 22 d'abril de 1912
Vinaròs , 26 d'agost de 2002
Composer i Musicologist


Composer and musicologist 

He began his music education in Tortosa and, later, at the escolania of Montserrat. In 1937 he moved to Barcelona and became pupil of Joan Lamote de Grignon. He also studied Philosophy and Arts and received his PhD in 1948. In 1946, he began to collaborate with the Spanish Institute of Musicology, and he was Deputy Director (1952-1970) and director 1970 (1970-1982) of the institution after Higini Anglès. He studied Spanish Renaissance and Baroque music, and contributed to the Diccionario de la Música Labor (1954) and the Monumentos de la música espanyola. He taught at the University of Barcelona. His output includes Cant espiritual a quatre veus, based on the text by Joan Maragall. He was the chairman of the RISM Spanish Committee and a member of the International Society of Musicology.

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